"" Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Face Adults, Symptoms, Causes: - Health and Fitness Informatics


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Face Adults, Symptoms, Causes:


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Face Adults, Symptoms, Causes:


A condition that occurs in a baby, as a result of alcohol exposure during the mother’s pregnancy, is known as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The major consequence, by that a baby suffers from growth problems and brain damage. The medical problems caused by Fetal Alcohol Syndrome may be varied from baby to baby, but the consequences are permanent.    

Drinking alcohol by pregnant women set their babies at risk of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Because there is no specific amount of alcohol, that’s known to be harmless to consume during their pregnancy.

If you have any doubt that your baby may have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, discuss your health expert immediately, as early diagnosis may aid him to decline his problems, for example, behavioral issues and learning difficulties.

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Fetal alcohol syndrome symptoms

The severity of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome differs with some children incidents to far larger than others. Symptoms of this disorder may comprise any mix of cognitive, or intellectual disabilities, physical defects, coping with daily life, and problems functioning.  

Physical defects

  • Physical defects may comprise:
  • Deformities of joints, fingers, and limbs
  • Distinctive facial features include an exceptionally thin upper lip, small eyes, a short, smooth skin surface, and an upturned nose between the upper lip and the nose   
  • Hearing problems and vision difficulties
  • Sluggish physical growth before and after birth
  • Small head brain size and circumference
  • Problems with bones and kidney
  • Heart defects  


Brain and central nervous system problems

Problems with the central nervous system and brain may include:

  • Poor memory
  • Poor coordination or balance
  • The trouble with processing information and with attention
  • Rapid changing moods
  • Hyperactivity or jitteriness
  • Difficulty identifying consequences of choices
  • Difficulty with problem-solving and reasoning
  • Poor judgment skill


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Face Adults, Symptoms, Causes:

Social and behavioral issues

  • Poor social skills
  • Difficulty in school
  • Trouble switching from one task to another or adapting to change
  •  Trouble getting along with others
  • Problem staying on task
  • Poor concept of time
  • Difficulty working toward a goal or planning
  • Poor concept of time
  • Problem with behavior and impulse control

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When to see a doctor

If you are drinking and pregnant, talk with your obstetricians, mental health professionals, or primary care for help. Because early diagnosis can lessen the risk of long-term problems for children with this syndrome, let your kid’s health expert know if you consumed alcohol while you were pregnant. Don’t wait for problems to elevate before seeking help.

If you are providing foster care or have adopted a child, you may not know if the biological mother consumed while pregnant, and it may not primarily occur to you that your kid may have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. However, if your kid has trouble with behavior and learning, discuss it with her or his health expert so that the primary causes may be identified.

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