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Arcuate Uterus: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

An acuate uterus is a congenital abnormality in the shape of the uterus. While this abnormality is minor, it doesn’t need any treatment or cause health issues. The average body of the uterus is pear-shaped, whereas an acuate uterus has a tiny dent at the top of the uterus. 

Arcuate Uterus: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


In this article, I will present you with comprehensive information about an arcuate uterus, including its causes, associated symptoms, and available treatment options. Additionally, I will delve into a potential comparison between an arcuate uterus and a septate uterus.

What is an arcuate uterus?

An arcuate uterus refers to a uterine irregularity characterized by a slight indentation at the upper portion. Unlike the inverted pear shape of a typical uterus, an arcuate uterus displays a gentle concave curve at its top. This developmental anomaly, observed in utero, doesn't demonstrate a significant impact on pregnancy outcomes or link to serious health problems. An arcuate uterus is congenital, and it is deemed a normal variant of the uterine structure by most medical professionals.

Is arcuate uterus rare?

An arcuate uterus is not common, usually seen as a normal type of uterus rather than a problem. Having an arcuate uterus doesn't cause any noticeable signs and doesn't lead to bad effects on health or pregnancy.

Can you have a normal pregnancy with an arcuate uterus?

Absolutely, you can have a regular pregnancy if you have an arcuate uterus. Most women with this kind of uterus don't face any strange pregnancy signs. Your uterus can still get bigger as the baby grows, and the lining inside it has enough blood supply. Having an arcuate uterus doesn't make you more likely to have a miscarriage, premature birth, or have a baby with low weight.

How will an arcuate uterus affect my delivery?

Having an arcuate uterus should not change how you give birth. For some serious uterus problems, there's a higher chance of having a c-section. If your uterus isn't regular, your baby might be in a breech position because there's less space to turn around. However, we don't have enough proof to say that an arcuate uterus causes c-sections.

Are there health risks associated with an arcuate uterus?

Generally, women with uterine abnormalities have a higher chance of endometriosis. Health experts are not certainly sure about the association between endometriosis and an arcuate uterus.

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Does an arcuate uterus cause miscarriages?

No, an arcuate uterus will not cause a miscarriage. Having an arcuate uterus does not impact your ability to conceive and should not impact your delivery and pregnancy. An arcuate uterus is considered a mild variation of a typical uterus. If you experience miscarriage with an arcuate uterus, it is most probably associated with other causes due to an arcuate uterus.

If you have an arcuate uterus and experience a miscarriage, the miscarriage is probably linked to an alternate cause.

What causes an arcuate uterus?

The development of an arcuate uterus occurs during fetal development. It's believed to result from incomplete fusion of the two Mullerian ducts that form the uterus. This incomplete fusion leads to the characteristic indentation at the top of the uterus. The exact cause of this developmental anomaly isn't always clear, but genetic and environmental factors may play a role.

What are the symptoms of an arcuate uterus?

In many cases, the arcuate uterus is asymptomatic, meaning women may not experience any noticeable symptoms. However, some women with this condition might encounter challenges when trying to conceive or experience certain pregnancy-related complications. These complications can include an increased risk of miscarriage, preterm labor, and breech presentation of the baby.

Diagnosis AND TESTS

How is an arcuate uterus diagnosed?

The diagnosis of an arcuate uterus typically involves a pelvic ultrasound or other imaging techniques that provide a clear view of the uterine structure.

What tests are done to diagnose an arcuate uterus?

In some cases, a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) or MRI may be used for a more detailed assessment. If a woman is experiencing fertility issues or recurrent miscarriages, further evaluation might be recommended to determine the potential role of an arcuate uterus.

MANAGEMENT and Treatment

What are treatments for an arcuate uterus?

In most instances, an arcuate uterus doesn't require treatment, especially if a woman is not experiencing fertility problems or recurrent miscarriages. However, if there are concerns about fertility or pregnancy complications, a healthcare provider may recommend specific interventions. Surgical correction, known as metroplasty, can be considered to reshape the uterus and potentially improve fertility and pregnancy outcomes.


How can I prevent an arcuate uterus?

An arcuate uterus is a congenital condition, which means you were born with it. So there is nothing you can do to prevent having an arcuate uterus.

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When should I see my doctor?

An arcuate uterus doesn't usually lead to health issues or signs. So, having one is generally not something to be concerned about. If you have new or worse pelvic pain or abnormal vaginal bleeding, it's a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider.

Top of Form

What questions should I ask my doctor about an arcuate uterus?

Here are some questions you should ask your doctor if you have been diagnosed with an arcuate uterus:

  • Are there any health risks associated with an arcuate uterus?
  • Will my pregnancy be affected by an arcuate uterus?
  • Do I need treatment for an arcuate uterus?


The arcuate uterus is a structural anomaly of the uterus that, while often asymptomatic, can impact fertility and pregnancy outcomes for some individuals. Early diagnosis and consultation with a healthcare provider are crucial for those facing challenges in conceiving or maintaining a pregnancy. With advancements in medical technology and understanding, appropriate management strategies can be tailored to individual needs, ensuring the best possible reproductive outcomes.

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