"" Septate Uterus (Uterine Septum): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options - Health and Fitness Informatics


Septate Uterus (Uterine Septum): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options


A Septate uterus or uterine septum is a congenital (present at birth) abnormal condition that may impact the female reproductive system. In this condition, the uterus is divided into two parts and this division occurs by a membrane known as the septum. This condition can cause miscarriage and pregnancy complications and only be corrected with surgical procedures.

Septate Uterus (Uterine Septum): Causes,

What is a septate uterus:

A Septate Uterus is an abnormal type of uterus in which your uterus is split into two parts by a membrane called a septum. A septum may vary in length and thickness. A Septate Uterus present at birth can significantly influence a female’s fertility and overall reproductive health.

A normal uterus is an upside-down pear-shaped hollow cavity. If you have a Septate uterus, your uterus instead of one cavity, has two smaller holes. It starts at the top of your uterus and may expand to your cervix and occasionally to the vagina while, the cervix is the bottom of the uterus. This is due to the septum working as a barrier, or partition, in the uterus.  

Some females may experience symptoms, but most won’t be aware they have a septate uterus until they experience multiple miscarriages or get pregnant. But there is a possibility to have a healthy delivery and pregnancy, if you are having Septate Uterus. 

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Is having a septate uterus bad?

Having a septate uterus isn't usually a big problem and doesn't lead to lasting health issues. However, it might make you more likely to have a miscarriage or lose pregnancies often. According to a study, about 35% of people with a septate uterus have miscarriages. For those with a normal-shaped uterus, the miscarriage rate is around 10% to 20%. But it's important to know that not everyone with a Septate Uterus has a miscarriage.Top of Form

Septate Uterus

How common is a septate uterus?

A Septate Uterus is not common, but it's among the more frequent irregularities found in the uterus. It makes up around 35% to 90% of all the irregularities in the uterus that people are born with. These kinds of irregularities happen in about 4% of all individuals who have a uterus.

Will I lose my pregnancy if I have a septate uterus?

If you have a septate uterus or another uterine irregularity, your risk of having a miscarriage goes up. Nonetheless, many people have successful pregnancies even if there's a septum in their uterus. Normally, having a septate uterus doesn't have much impact on getting pregnant or being fertile.

What are the common symptoms of septate uterus?

1. Recurrent miscarriages:

One of the most common symptoms of a Septate Uterus is recurrent miscarriages. The septum can affect the implantation of the embryo and the development of the placenta, leading to an increased risk of pregnancy loss.

2. Infertility:

Women with a septate uterus might face challenges in getting pregnant. The septum can interfere with the embryo's ability to implant properly in the uterine lining.

3. Painful menstrual periods:

Some women with a septate uterus might experience more severe menstrual cramps than usual due to the abnormal shape of the uterus.

4. Preterm birth:

If a woman with a septate uterus does become pregnant, there is a higher risk of preterm birth due to the structural limitations of the uterus.

What are the causes of septate uterus?

The exact cause of a septate uterus isn't always clear, but it is believed to result from incomplete absorption of the tissue that divides the uterus during fetal development. This congenital anomaly can be identified during a woman's reproductive years when she experiences difficulty conceiving or maintaining a pregnancy.

How health experts diagnose septate uterus?

Diagnosing a septate uterus usually involves a combination of physical examinations, imaging tests (ultrasound and hysteroscopy), and medical history. A hysteroscopy is particularly effective in directly visualizing the uterine cavity and the septum.

What are treatment options for septate uterus:

a. Surgical correction:

The main way to treat a septate uterus is through a procedure called hysteroscopic metroplasty. This is done on an outpatient basis and usually takes around an hour. During the procedure, surgical tools are put into the uterus through the cervix. The tissue that creates the septum in the uterus is then removed. After this surgery to fix a septate uterus, the risk of having a miscarriage goes down.

This procedure is minimally invasive and has a high success rate in improving fertility outcomes.

After receiving treatment, a lot of individuals can still have a chance to get pregnant, even if they've experienced multiple pregnancy losses before. According to a study, the rate of getting pregnant after having hysteroscopic metroplasty is about 65%. However, most medical professionals suggest waiting for about two months after the surgery before trying to conceive.

b. Fertility treatments:

In some cases, fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) might be recommended, especially if other factors contribute to fertility challenges.

What are the complications that may occur in treating a septate uterus?

The risks linked with fixing the septate uterus are:

  • Cervix damage
  • Perforation of uterus
  • Infection
  • Abnormal bleeding

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Can a septate uterus grow back?

No, a septate uterus cannot grow back. The formation of a septum in the uterus happens when two ducts fail to join during development. Once it's removed through surgery, your body cannot regrow a uterine septum. 

Can I have a normal pregnancy with a septate uterus?

Yes, it’s possible you have a normal pregnancy with a Septate Uterus. However, there are numerous risks you should be aware of if you are pregnant with a Septae Uterus.

  • Baby being breech
  • Low birth weight/restricted growth
  • Preterm birth
  • Miscarriage
  • Premature labor


After a surgical correction, most women can expect a relatively quick recovery. It's important to follow post-operative care instructions provided by your healthcare provider. With proper treatment, the outlook for women with a septate uterus improves significantly, increasing the chances of successful pregnancies.


How can I prevent a septate uterus?

There is no any mean of preventing having a Septate Uterus. It’s a condition present at the time of birth. However, there is no evidence that a Septate Uterus is a genetic defect.


A septate uterus is a congenital condition that can impact a woman's fertility and reproductive health. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and available treatment options is crucial for women who suspect they might have this condition. Consulting a healthcare provider and considering appropriate treatment can help improve fertility outcomes and enhance the chances of a successful pregnancy.

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